# This file documents the revision history for Perl extension Catalyst::Plugin::URI.

0.006 - 2023-08-13
  - Use 'croak' instead of 'die' to make it easier to figure out where your typo is

0.005 - 2023-01-13
  - Added V3 which removes named actions.  See docs for how to specify v2 if you
    need that feature.  Hopefully name actions will land in Catalyst core soon.

0.004 - 2021-03-14
  - Silenced undef warning when detaching to nothing.
  - Happy Pi day!

0.003 - 2018-11-07
  - Hack to support named actions
  - breaking change, please see documentation for how to
    enable backcompat mode if you need it.

0.002 - 2015-11-17
  - Fixed dependency issue

0.001 - 2015-11-17
  - initial release