Revision history for TCOD
0.006 2021-07-16 19:33:07+01:00 Europe/London
- Added TCOD::Line to wrap line functions. This implements the code
in the tcod.los module in python-tcod
- Documented the `state` key in MouseMotion events, and added the
enums needed to read its value.
- Added `examples/` as an example of event dispatch and line
- The clear_color argument to TCOD::Context is now correctly handled.
- Documentation tweaks
0.005 2021-07-15 22:38:06+01:00 Europe/London
- The TCOD::Tileset::load_tilesheet constructor now accepts named
- Added TCOD::Context::convert_event and related methods to add
tile coordinates to an event with pixel coordinates.
- Expanded TCOD::Event documentation to include information about
the individual event types that are generated.
- Add documentation about the TCOD::Event::Dispatch role.
- An error in the argument parsing of TCOD::Context has been fixed.
- The event types returned by the TCOD::Event functions have been
modified for consistency. Please refer to their documentation
for their current behaviour.
0.004 2021-07-15 00:00:49+01:00 Europe/London
- Added bindings for some additional TCOD::Context methods:
- new_console
- recommended_console_size
- Added missing documentation for TCOD::Context and TCOD::Tileset
- The new_terminal method for TCOD::Context objects has been
removed. This is a deprecated method that was implemented in
error. The candle that burns twice as fast burns twice as bright.
- Some methods for TCOD::Tileset objects that have only been partially
implemented have been removed until they are ready for prime-time.
0.003 2021-07-14 22:12:08+01:00 Europe/London
- Added TCOD::ColorRGBA used internally in some of the
new API functions
- Added TCOD::Event to wrap around SDL2 events. This uses
an internal set of SDL2 bindings, while we wait for a
stable release on CPAN
- Added TCOD::Context and TCOD::Tileset modeled after the
recommended API in the upstream python-tcod
- Fixed the walk method for Path::Dijkstra objects. This
method, and the related is_empty, are now documented and tested.
- Imported bundled fonts from python-tcod to replace the
old ones with licensing issues.
- The TCOD::Console API has been updated to reflect
upstream deprecated methods.
The following methods were removed:
- hline
- print_ex
- print_ex_utf
- print_frame
- print_rect
- print_rect_ex
- print_rect_ex_utf
- print_rect_utf
- print_utf
- rect
- set_key_color
- vline
The following methods were changed:
- blit
- clear
- print
The following methods were added
- draw_frame
- draw_rect
- print_box
Please see the documentation for these methods for more details.
0.002 2021-07-11 16:58:16+01:00 Europe/London
- Dependencies on FFI libraries are properly reported
- The FontFlags enum was renamed to FontFlag for consistency
0.001 2021-07-08 23:58:46+01:00 Europe/London
First version.