Revision history for Basset

1.01	04/20/2005
		+ Basset::DB::Table
			- added attributes_to_create, attributes_not_to_create, create_attributes flags
			- added omit_columns_from_tables flag to multiselect_query
			- qualify_name now accepts an array of colum names
		+ Basset::Object::Persistent
			- removed options and methods to cache objects (cache_object flag, etc.)
			- removed perl_read_translation/perl_write_translation & import_from_db/export_to_db
			  they are replaced with wrappers.
			- added the on_load_* and on_commit_* methods
			- Now expects attributes to be populated from Basset::DB::Table objects
			- cleaned up the relationship and instantiation code
			- load now uses load_where
			- load_all can accept the in_query flag.
			- added the local_driver attribute
			- has_many will now subclass rlt tables on the fly
		+ Basset::Object
			- exceptions now croak instead of dying (requires Carp)
			- Now uses Basset::Container::Hash for hashes in trickled class attributes.
			- New instantiator
			- Uses an import method to read in class defaults from the conf file
			- attributes using an internal accessor now use the attribute value itself
			  as the internal key inside the hash.
			- error now takes a 4th argument to always die with an exception
			- added wrappers
			- added the load_pkg method to load up a class
			- slightly faster initializer
		* minor bug fixes, speed boosts, tweaks
1.00    04/20/2004
        Initial public release. More good things to come later.