0.05 2014-02-17
- add stubs for:
- Collection->find_and_modify
- simple stub for Database->command
0.04 2014-01-11
- support for magic "n" in return docs for update and remove
- fix full_name to return db.collection as expected from call
- remove "state"
0.03 2014-01-09
- add basic stubs for:
- Collection->remove
- Collection->update
- autogenerated ids from insert() are no Mango::BSON::ObjectIDs as expected
0.02 2014-01-08
- add support for error states
0.01.3 2014-01-07
- minor change to Makefile.PL and move abstract into module
0.01 2013-12-23 0.01
- first release
- currently stubs:
- Collection->insert
- Collection->find
- Collection->find_one
- Collection->full_name
- Collection->aggregate
- Collection->create
- Collection->drop
- Cursor->backlog
- Cursor->next
- Cursor->all
- Cursor->count