Revision history for MooseX-LogDispatch

1.2000 Thu Oct 23 2008
     - with Logger() syntax now removed after deprecation cycle 
       Logger() now die()'s (penfold)
	 - t/01basic.t rewritten to role-based syntax (penfold)
	 - several attempts made at a less ugly ::Levels implementation, 
	   copious comments added as to WHY it's the way it is (penfold)

1.1003 Wed Sept 3 2008
     - fix Levels not returning true

1.1002 Wed May 7 2008
     - allowing packaged to be used in Moose::Meta::Role (jgoulah) 

1.1001 Wed Feb 6 2008
     - Added use_logger_singleton attribute that if true will use the existing
       instance from Log::Dispatch::Config (if any)
     - POD fixes

1.1000 Sun Jan 27 2008
     - Completly reworked the way you configure the logger by incorporating
       the work blblack did in MooseX::LazyLogDispatch.

1.0001 Wed Nov 14 2007
       Fix dist to include inc/Module/ et al.

1.0000 Sat Nov 10 2007
       Docs, tests and tiding up for release 

0.0.1  Tue Jun 26 17:10:55 2007
       Initial release. (Chris Prather)