Devel::WeakRef - weak references (not reference-counted)


my $foo={a => 1, b => 2};	# Some sort of reference scalar.
my $foo_=new Devel::WeakRef $foo;
my $bar=$foo_->deref;		# Hard ref through dereference
$foo_->deref->{c}=3;		# Dereference
$foo=$bar=77;			# OK, hash collected
$foo_->deref;			# Yields undef now
$foo_->empty;			# True now.


A weak reference maintains a "pointer" to an object (specified by a reference to it, just like bless) that does not contribute to the object's reference count; thus, the object's storage will be freed (and its destructor invoked) when only weak references remain to it. (It is fine to have multiple weak references to a single object.) The deref method derefences the weak reference. Dereferencing a weak reference whose target has already been destroyed results in undef.

empty tests if the reference is invalid; $ref->empty is equivalent to !defined $ref->deref.

The most likely applications of this are:

Cyclic Structures

Various structures, like arbitrarily-traversable trees, or doubly-linked lists, or some queues, naturally have cyclic pointer structures in them. If you are not very careful, removing external references without breaking up the internal links will give you a memory leak. With weak references, you need only be sure that there is no cyclic structure of hard (normal) references; back-links and other convenient links can easily be made weak.


For some applications it is desirable to maintain a cache of lookups (search results) keyed off (say) search string. The values might be some objects. To have these entries removed when an object is destroyed, you want to leave each object's reference count untouched (so it will be collected as it would have otherwise), and make sure its destructor removes the appropriate keys from the caching table.


Jesse Glick,


If you mess with the internal structure of a weak ref you will probably dump core.

Putting a weak ref on a reference object places extension-magic (~, see perlguts(1P)) on that object. This could conflict with other user extensions using custom magic. To avoid this, Devel::WeakRef specifically looks for its own magic and only its own magic; however, another extension might not do so for itself and become extremely confused, if it was specifically looking for its own magic (probably not so common).

There should be versions of the class to make weakly-referenced arrays and hashes, mostly to conserve space and for notational convenience.