Revision history for Perl extension Date::Convert::French_Rev.

0.01  4 Prairial CCIX (2001-05-23, Wednesday)
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19

0.02  19 Prairial CCIX (2001-06-07, Thursday)
        - add the prerequisite for in Makefile.PL
        - extend the "SEE ALSO" section

0.03  20 Thermidor CCIX (2001-08-07, Tuesday)
        - rewrite the Changes file, with proper dates
        - it seems that the 4th additional day should rather be "jour
	de l'opinion"
	- reformat the code

0.04  Tridi 13 Fructidor CCX, jour de l'épine-vinette (2002-08-30, Friday)
	- reorganise the directory structure along Matt Sergeant's tips
        - include the 4000-modulus rule for leap years (according to emacs-21.2)
        - reorganise the absolute -> FR conversion
	- rephrase the README file
	- add the  prerequisite for Date::Convert  in Makefile.PL (the
	use statement and the @ISA array are not sufficient)
        - add a few examples in the eg/ subdirectory
	- fix a few bugs: $_ was squashed by date_string, the month value
	was not controlled
	- compatibility with diagnostics-1.2