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Please   report  any   bugs   or  feature   requests   to  Github   at
C<https://github.com/jforget/Astro-Sunrise>,    and
create an issue or submit a pull request.

If your  issue is  about the astronomical  computations which  are the
core  of this  module,  maybe  you should  read  the documentation  in
before writing your issue.

If you have no  feedback after a week or so, try to  reach me by email
at JFORGET  at cpan  dot org.  The notification  from Github  may have
failed to reach  me. In your message, please  mention the distribution
name in the subject, so my spam  filter and I will easily dispatch the
email to the proper folder.

On the other  hand, I may be  on vacation or away from  Internet for a
good  reason. Do  not be  upset if  I do  not answer  immediately. You
should write  me at a leasurely  rythm, about once per  month, until I

If after about six  months or a year, there is  still no reaction from
me, you can worry and start the CPAN procedure for module adoption.
See L<https://groups.google.com/g/perl.module-authors/c/IPWjASwuLNs>
and L<https://www.cpan.org/misc/cpan-faq.html#How_adopt_module>.