1.4207: Tue Jun 07 2011
   - added ->stats()

1.4205: Fri Jul 30 2010
   - accepted a patch from Jerry Litteer
   - added tcp to the synopsis and examples/synopsis.pl

1.4200: Wed Jul 14 2010
   - got a patch from Daniel Roethlisberger regarding packets
     without Ethernet encapsulation
   - wrote some tests for it
   - noted that we insert this fake encapsulation.

1.4105: Fri Dec 25 2009
   - added docs regarding the raw collector
   - added the examples from the pod to an examples dir

1.4100: Fri Dec 18 2009
   - support for fast callbacks, NetPacket::decode() is kinda
     slow since it involves a few function calls.  Per packet,
     this adds up in a hurry.

1.4000: Thu Jun 25 16:00:00 EDT 2009
   - made {pcap} and {netmask} into accessor functions (get_pcap,
     etc) and altered pods
   - got the pods to pass t/pod.t
   - t/pod_coverage.t passes
   - got t/critic.t to pass
   - renamed and moved a few things.
   - to avoid the fact that loop() returns true forever at the
     end of a packetfile, I've made loop() instead return the
     number of processed packets (in cases where there was no
     error) -- and undef or () when there was an error.
   - added the new dev=>"file:lo.data" format to the pod
   - added the dev=>"file:lo.data" test (t/31_)
   - added the dev=>"file:eth0.data" test (t/31_)

1.325: Thu Jun 25 08:41:37 EDT 2009
   - adding patch from andk
   - made sure this works under 5.6.1

1.325: Fri Mar 27 18:28:59 EDT 2009
   - gah, bug in the Makefile.PL, noticed it when I installed on
     my new server.

1.322: Thu Mar 26 06:36:05 EDT 2009
   - There were a bunch of documentation bugs.
   - I fixed some lousy Makefile.PL code

1.321: Wed Mar 25 20:54:13 EDT 2009
   - added chorny's META.yml stuff

1.32: Wed Aug 13 13:49:19 EDT 2008
    - woops, 'skip' device fails tests...

1.31: Wed Aug 13 07:21:36 EDT 2008
    - I dislike module::build, removed

1.3: Wed Aug  6 07:00:43 EDT 2008
    - Awesome.  t/07 had a naked (non eval"") use WWW::Mechanize,
      even though it didn't use it.  So, CPAN testers rock.

1.2: Tue Jul 29 14:42:08 EDT 2008
    - typo in the pod
    - bug in the module
    - I'm not going to include the Makefile.PL anymore, it
      causes problems.

1.1: Mon Jul 28 06:42:14 EDT 2008
    - error in the Build.PL, must set default for prompt() so the
      smokers don't get an error.

1.0: Wed Jul 23 18:41:34 EDT 2008
    - built a tcp test [05], more trouble than you'd think... requires
      root, my default gateway is on eth2, etc...
    - added an icmp test [07]
    - added a tcp+icmp test [10]
      - same test one def filter [11]
      - same test one ipv4 filter [11]
    - added a tcp+icmp using two pcaps test [15]
      - same, but interleaved
      - same, but serialized
    - documented this mess

1.0: Wed Jul 23 09:45:24 EDT 2008
    - I found this stuff pretty hard to do the first time,
      knowing I'd want to do it all again without having to
      re-learn it all, I wrote this.