0.1.2 - Tue Mar 30 10:02:25 EDT 2010
	* use perl's USE_ITHREADS as a define to enable thread safety or not.
	* Fix some macro use that was certainly wrong yet gcc silently allowed.

0.1.1 - Mon Feb 22 12:32:57 EST 2010
	* [rt.cpan.org #53800] make distclean removes files needed for build
	* manually encode the 64bit delivery_tag to work croass platform for poorly configured perls (no 64bit ints)
	* add a get method (amqp_basic_get)

0.1.0 - Sun Jan 17 09:49:07 EST 2010
	* Update test suite to use dev.rabbitmq.com by default; still overridden with MQHOST environment variable.
	* Bumped minor release number as things seem happy and stable.

0.0.4 - Tue Dec 29 16:52:45 EST 2009
	* make the tests use pack 'LL' instead of 'Q' for those that compile there perls incorrectly or cannot afford enough bits to make Q happen.

0.0.3 - Fri Dec 25 13:23:36 EST 2009
	* added tests for the txn support
	* fixed file descriptor leak

0.0.2 - Thu Dec 19 03:00:00 EST 2009
	* Thread safety added.
	* txn support from Joshua Kronengold
	* some docs bugs. - Thu Nov 12 15:46:46 EST 2009
	* Initial release