Version 1.8 - July 14th, 2003
	* By default, we now strip off whitespace unless verbMultiLine is in place.  This makes sense for things like conf files where trailing whitespace has no real meaning. Thanks to pudge, who reported this.

Version 1.7 - June 25th, 2003
	* POD documentation error noticed again by Frank Lichtenheld
	* Also by Frank, applied a patch to add a "verbMultiLine" option so that we can hand multiline fields back unparsed.
	* Slightly expanded test suite to cover new features

Version 1.6.1 - June 9th, 2003

	* POD cleanups noticed by Frank Lichtenheld. Thank you, Frank.	

Version 1.6 - June 2nd, 2003

	* Cleaned up some warnings when you pass in empty hashrefs or arrayrefs
	* Added stripComments setting
	* Cleaned up POD errors
Version 1.5 - May 8th, 2003

	* Added a line to quash errors with undef hashkeys and writing
	* Fixed the Makefile.PL to straighten up being in the wrong dir

Version 1.4 - April 30th, 2003

	* Removed exports as they were unnecessary. Many thanks to pudge, who pointed this out.

Version 1.3 - April 28th, 2003

	* Fixed a bug where writing blank stanzas would throw a warning.  Fix found and supplied by Nate Oosten$

Version 1.2b - April 25, 2003


        * A bug in the test suite where IxHash was not disabled in 40write.t. Thanks to Jeroen Latour from cpan-testers for the report

Version 1.2 - April 24th, 2003


        * A bug in IxHash support where multiple stanzas might be out of order

Version 1.1 - April 23rd, 2003


        * Writing support
        * Tie::IxHash support
        * Case insensitive reading support

Version 1.0 - April 23rd, 2003

This is the initial public release for CPAN, so everything is new.