Revision history for Spreadsheet-Reader-ExcelXML

Uses the change tracking convention
+ New feature.
- Removed/deprecated feature.
! Bug fix.
* Place holder

NOTE: This software is designated as beta quality until this notice is removed.  The goal is to 
be method matched to Spreadsheet::ParseExcel prior to the v1.0 release.

v0.4.0    2016-05-11 12:44:12-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! changed test 06-named_worksheet.t to use cmp_deeply to avoid preceision variances between perls
		closes #1 in github
	! Added an acknowledgement for Slaven Rezić - thanks for the prompt bug submission
	! Updated level requirements for Spreadsheet::Reader::Format
		closes #2 in github
	! Excluded empty strings from the attribute build when they are not between quotes

v0.2.0    2016-05-10 15:10:05-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	+ Initial production level release
	! fixed several travis-ci fails mostly due to os differences and imported classes
	+ Finished the main Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML pod (documentation)

v0.1_1    2016-05-05 05:42:17-07:00 America/Los_Angeles (TRIAL RELEASE)
	+ Initial release to move Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML off of XML::LibXML support