Revision history for MooseX-ShortCut-BuildInstance

v0.001_001 2012-10-04 10:34:09 America/Los_Angeles

	* Initial version with exported build_class and build_instance methods

v0.003_001 2012-10-08 16:44:58 America/Los_Angeles

	* Changed the name from MooseX-Util-ClassBuilder to 

	* Changed the package name key from class_name to package

v0.003_003 2012-10-18 10:37:24 America/Los_Angeles

	* Updated the documentation

v0.005_003 2012-12-31 13:29:19 America/Los_Angeles

	* Another minor documentation update

v0.007_003 2013-07-30 15:09:14 America/Los_Angeles

	* Added the DCI programming concept as an improved explanation 
		and removed the use Modern::Perl requirement

0.008.001 2013-08-21 07:56:46 America/Los_Angeles

	* Updated from a development release to a production release 
	* and fixed some of the problems making it not index on CPAN.

0.008.005 2013-08-21 14:33:25 America/Los_Angeles

	* Improved POD for the README and the main module 

0.008.007 2013-08-21 14:44:56 America/Los_Angeles

	* Still more POD improvements

0.012.002 2013-11-09 17:55:56 America/Los_Angeles

	* added the key 'add_roles_in_sequence' as a
		'build_class' argument to allow for one role to
		'require' a method from another role
		see POD for more explanation
	* added a method to manage behaviour of resetting or 
		re-use of Moose Classes built with a duplicate 
		'package' name.  The default is to overwrite 
		with a warning.
	* Improved POD definitions of the global variables used

v0.012.004 2013-11-09 19:11:16 America/Los_Angeles

	* Some POD updates to fix typos
	* Then turned off the POD test for the distribution

v0.014.002 2013-11-09 19:23:46 America/Los_Angeles

	* Forced Boolean context on the 
		$MooseX::ShortCut::BuildInstance::re_use_classes setter

v1.2.2    2014-05-27 13:26:13-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	+ Changing revisions to follow the convention
		+ New feature.
		- Removed/deprecated feature.
		! Bug fix.
		* Place holder
	+ Added an add_methods call to build_class
	+ Added an add_attributes call to build_class

v1.4.2    2014-05-28 17:12:29-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! changed use version 0.94 to use version to fix CPAN testers fails
	! changed types test to accept a broader range of error messages for NameSpace fails

v1.6.2    2014-05-30 18:46:44-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! fixed the build_class documentation
		changed the second 'add_roles_in_sequence' to 'add_methods'
	- changed $instance_count to $anonymous_class_count
	! changed our $anonymous_class_count to start at 0 since there isn't one at startup
	+ added a test for $anonymous_class_count

v1.8.2    2014-06-03 04:35:45-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	+ updated the README to include a suggested tar unzip string
	+ switched the load order of add_roles_in_sequence and add_attributes and add_methods
		The goal is to let the roles also 'require' 'ad_hoc' stand alone methods and methods from attributes

v1.10.2   2014-06-09 08:35:00-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! checked for mutability when building/adding roles and attributes
		and force mutability if not available

v1.12.2   2014-07-10 07:25:52-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! fixed the repository link in the META files

v1.14.2   2014-07-10 16:05:44-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! another try at fixing the repository link in the META files

v1.16.2   2014-07-10 16:27:41-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! another, another try at fixing the META files

v1.18.2   2014-07-21 08:17:42-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! Reqired Type::Tiny 0.046 since 0.0.45_3 is broken
	! Made a few POD changes for clarification
	! Fixed the load test to clarify the requirements

v1.20.2   2014-07-24 19:43:22-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! Fix fails associated with Type::Tiny::XS
		Really just caused the module to fail if Type::Tiny::XS 
		is loaded with a version earlier than 0.010

v1.22.2   2014-07-25 23:45:41-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! Required Type::Tiny Version 0.046 to settle on error messages
	! Required Type::Tiny::XS version 0.010 in testing but not installation

v1.22.4   2014-07-26 11:13:53-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! Fixed missing test plans

v1.22.6   2014-07-27 07:25:31-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! Figured out how to turn off Type::Tiny::XS altogether in testing so that 
		Failures are constrained to issues with this package only (I hope)

v1.24.2   2014-07-28 09:06:27-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! Yet another attempt to fix the non zero wait status 139 segfault errors
		(On a non XS module no less)

v1.26.2   2014-07-28 17:51:16-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! Removed the no Type::Tiny::XS since it wasn't in a differnt package that 
		passed while this one failed

v1.28.2   2014-10-03 08:15:15-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! Fixed heading level on POD
	! Added minimum Moose dependancy to eliminate CPAN testers fails

v1.28.4   2014-11-24 11:44:50-08:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! Fixed the version to number based for systems that hate 'v'

v1.28.6   2014-11-26 09:19:45-08:00 America/Los_Angeles

	! Explicitly added all pre-reqs to the test phase to pass a clean build

v1.32.2   2014-12-22 09:24:36-08:00 America/Los_Angeles

	+ Added better error messages when build_instance fails
	+ Closed #1 in github by converting from Smart::Comments to Log::Shiras debug reporting!