Revision history for Log-Shiras

Uses the change tracking convention
	+ New feature.
	- Removed/deprecated feature.
	! Bug fix.
	* Place holder

NOTE: This software is designated as beta quality until this notice is removed.  
    Intitial CPAN release plus one year is probably the minimum before a v1.0 release.

v0.38.0   2016-09-10 08:03:18-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	+ CPAN release candidate

v0.37.13  2016-09-10 07:52:30-07:00 America/Los_Angeles 

	(cumulative since v0.30.0)
	! Block unicore/* scrubbing in ~::Unhide
	! Fixed for 04-telephone.t  failing in perl 5.16 and 5.18
	! Added requirement for Filter::Util::Call to test

v0.30.0   2016-09-09 14:20:26-07:00 America/Los_Angeles

	+ Updated version numbers for an initial CPAN release

v0.29_1   2016-09-09 14:03:12-07:00 America/Los_Angeles (TRIAL RELEASE)

	+ The goal is to create an initial CPAN release here
	+ This includes a substantial rework of the Unhide implementation
	+ Added line numbers to TapPrint and TapWarn namespace generation to allow for by-line control
	+ Substantially reworked the CSVFile report to consume arrayrefs and hashrefs rather than print lines
	+ Substantially reworked ShirasFormat Type to be an element modification class Log::Shiras::Report::MetaMethod
		I might take the ShirasFormat out altogether since it was too tricky for it's own good