0.09 Test release. Will go to 1.0 shortly after testing
Change AGI.pm so we run ReadParse if the user forgot to run it manually
Add LICENSE file to source
Added 2 basic tests of AGI.pm so 'make test' does something
Time to 'use strict' and 'use warnings' in AGI.pm (Hurray!)
Added 'SetVar' as available keyword in Outgoing.pm
Modified Asterisk::AGI set_variable to always quote the value
Add directory.agi example from C. de Souza <m.list at yahoo.de>
Updated calleridnamelookup.agi from Jeff Siddall <jeff at siddall.name>
Manager.pm update from Brian Evans <brian at indosoft.ca>
Patches from Peter Beckman <beckman at purplecow.com> (THANKS!!!)
Add documentation for missing functions in AGI.pm
Add control_stream_file to AGI.pm
Add get_full_variable to AGI.pm
Add get_option to AGI.pm
Add say_alpha/date/time/datetime/phonetic to AGI.pm
Change callback to be in central location rather than per function
Allow using multiple SetVar in Outgoing.pm from Dariusz Dwornikowski <d.dwornikowski at proadmin.com.pl>
Use 'use strict' and 'use warnings' in Outgoing.pm
0.08 Fixed Asterisk::AGI check_result regex so get_data works with '*'
Added passing channel as arg to AGI command CHANNEL STATUS
0.07 Added new AGI command set_music
Bug fix from John Halleck <John.Halleck@utah.edu>
Added MD5 Challenge auth to Asterisk::Manager
0.06 *Interim Beta Release*
Added new AGI example agi-enum.agi
Added new module Asterisk::Outgoing
Added new module Asterisk::Manager
From Jean-Denis Girard <jd-girard@esoft.pf>:
Modified get_variable in Asterisk:AGI
Added new AGI commands database_get, database_put, database_del, and database_deltree
Updated AGI hangup functionality to allow passing the channel to hangup
Added new AGI command noop
0.05 Added new AGI example: calleridnamelookup.agi
Added new module Asterisk::QCall
Added new AGI command verbose
0.04 Started adding documentation to Asterisk::AGI (perldoc Asterisk::AGI)
Added new AGI commands set_variable and get_variable
Added new AGI + Festival + Net::Ping::External example: tts-ping.agi
Added 2 new AGI + Festival examples: tts-bofh.agi and tts-line.agi
0.03 Added callback + setcallback function to detect hangups
Added channel_status function
0.02 Added examples/agi-sayani.agi
Added the beginning of Asterisk::Voicemail
0.01 First Release