Revision history for ZMQ-Raw
0.05 2017-10-13 14:11:10+02:00 Africa/Johannesburg
- CURVE socket options can now be set
- Socket->recv() no longer accepts a size parameter
- Socket->recv() and Socket->send() now return undef if the ZQM_DONTWAIT flag is
used and the operation cannot be completed
- Documentation improvements
0.04 2017-10-12 15:30:21+02:00 Africa/Johannesburg
- Enabled tweetnacl
- Added support for GNU kFreeBSD
- Applied a performance regression patch:
- Added feature detection method has()
- ZMQ::Raw::Context objects can now be used with interpreter threads
- Added Curve methods:
+ keypair()
+ public()
- Added Z85 methods:
+ encode()
+ decode()
- Added Poller methods:
+ new()
+ add()
+ events()
+ wait()
- Added Proxy methods:
+ new()
+ start()
0.03 2017-10-10 18:16:04+02:00 Africa/Johannesburg
- Documentation improvements
- Added Message methods:
+ get()
+ routing_id()
- Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, Solaris and Windows now supported
0.02 2017-10-10 13:56:46+02:00 Africa/Johannesburg
- Socket->recvmsg() now returns a Message object
- Documentation improvements
- Added Context methods:
+ set()
- Added Socket methods:
+ unbind()
0.01 2017-10-10 11:13:56+02:00 Africa/Johannesburg
- Initial version
- Update libzmq to 4.2.2