0.07    unreleased
        - Apply patch from Justin Hunter:
          + Setting custom nameservers (closes: CPAN#66902)
          + EPP phone number conversion (closes: CPAN#49340)
          + $c can now have same keys as OpenSRS api (postal_code, address1,
            address2, etc) while keeping backcompat (address, zip, etc)
          + massive country list was replaced with Locales (closes: CPAN#49341)
        - reorder changelog newest first
        - doc: update Authors

0.06 Thu Sep 16 00:21:06 EDT 2010
   -  escape the XML special characters

0.05 Sun Jun 27 16:54:23 EDT 2010
   -  Correct de-nastification to handle single item dt_assoc
      (eg belongs_to_rsp response)

   -  Correct de-nastification to handle lists

0.03 Tue Sep 1 2009
    - Ugly fix for Expat parser error due to spaces in an element name
      in the OpenSRS renew domain response.

0.02 Sat Apr 8 2006
    - Allow countries to be two letter codes or the full country name.
      Contributed by Sten Spans <sten@bit.nl>.

0.01 Thu Feb 16 2006
    - Initial release to CPAN.  Yay.