Revision history for Perl-PrereqScanner-NotQuiteLite
0.9907 2019/08/22
- changed scan_also and features options to accept glob expressions
- added "version" option to show what's going on
0.9906 2019/07/06
- fixed PackageVariant parser not to die when it finds something
other than importing
0.9905 2019/05/10
- changed scan-perl-prereqs-nqlite to use only :bundled parsers
by default
- added perl_minimum_version option
- added feature pragma arg parser
- added indented heredoc and <<$fh>> support
- fixed eval shortcut handling
- fixed parsers to treat several keywords as ops
- fixed various small parser issues (//, regexp after return,
heredoc terminator, package version/block, when modifier etc)
- renamed internal flags
0.9904 2019/02/07
- made sure to exclude local/core/private modules from feature
- added scan_also/parser/private options
0.9903 2019/02/03
- added an option to dedupe modules that belong to the
same distribution with the help of CPAN::Common::Index
0.9902 2018/12/06
- implemented ignore and ignore_re options to exclude
specific paths
0.9901 2018/11/07
- improved Package::Variant parser
0.99 2018/11/05
- Package::Variant support
- requires Module::CPANfile 1.1004
0.98 2018/10/31
- added allow-test-pms option that forces to include test
dependencies that are used in t/**.pm files that are not
directly used .t files; this option is also set if
Test::Class family is used (RT-127383)
0.97 2018/09/30
- allow in-file parser package
0.96 2018/09/16
- exclude_core option now respects used perl version
- ignore .pm files under t/ unless they are used in .t files
- ignore Makefile.PL under t/
- requires Data::Dump
0.95 2018/09/16
- added deep recursion protection
- support fully qualified Test::More::plan/done_testing
- Keyword::Declare support
- ignore internal package inheritance
- BEING { ... exit } support
0.94 2018/09/08
- noes are now stored separately
0.93 2018/04/26
- silence a deprecation warning (RT-125191)
0.92 2018/04/26
- fixed to work with Module::CPANfile 1.1003
0.91 2017/11/25
- fixed packaging issue (RT-123735)
0.90 2017/11/25
- refactored and added more parsers
- fixed various parsing issues
- cpanfile support
0.50 2017/01/28
- production release
0.49_03 2016/08/05
- fixed another utf8 issue where unicode characters appear
before use utf8
- fixed various issues regarding "recommends"/"suggests"
0.49_02 2016/08/04
- explicitly use BEGIN for older versions of perl
- reset pos after utf8::decode for perl 5.14/5.16
0.49_01 2016/08/03
- refactored, using regexp instead of Compiler::Lexer.
0.01 2015/05/30
- initial release