Revision history for Perl extension String::Rexx.

0.04  Sat Apr 30, 2005
    - Introduced the following new Rexx functions:
      sign, b2d, d2x, x2b, b2x, x2c, x2d, c2x,  d2b    
    - Renamed the old function d2h to the new name d2x
    - Minor fixes and code cleanup for the following functions:
      changestr, wordindex, copies, space, wordlength,  
      countstr, delword, strip, verify, subword, word, xrange
    - Major rewrite for functions datatype(), and wordpos()
    - Added prereq_pm to Regexp::Common and Test::Exception
    - Added more tests for fixed functions 

0.03  Thu Jul 30, 2003
    - Corrected Abstract 
    - removed CVS/ entries from manifest

0.02  Thu Jul 30, 2003
    -  This release is institutes stroger refactoring and paramaeter checking:
    -  Added Params::Validate  to center, copies, errortext, left, 
       right, space, verify, insert, lastpos, overlay, wordindex, xrange,
       compare, delstr, d2h, wordlength, word, wordindex, subword, and wordpos.
    -  Added the new fuction abbrev()
    -  wordpos(): on failure, it now returns 0 instead of undef. 
    -  Refactored strip(). Added exceptions and (skipable) exception tests.
    -  These fuctions now count \S sequences as words: words, delword,
    -  translate(), changed mandatory options and some funtionality. See pod .

0.01  Tue Jul  8 02:13:19 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-X -n String::Rexx