Revision history for Alien-SWIG
BUG:    An actual found or reported bug fix.
FIX:    Change toward correct behavior, but unreported.
NEW:    New, previously non-existent feature.
CHG:    Change in behavior.
API:    Change in user-facing API (hopefully rare).
DOC:    Changes to documentation.

0.02_01  2011-02-03     (developer release)
         BUG: Tests failed with bad path, added $Config{perlpath}
              ( Thanks, DCANTRELL and SCHUBIGER! )
         BUG: Added workaround for HTTP::Tiny exceptions: prompt to retry
              with distributed copy of SWIG, default 'yes'.
         BUG: More extensive PCRE checks on FreeBSD; may remove later
         BUG: Dumping what appears to be broken Makefile for Solaris
         FIX: Changed includes() order, caused failures in F::IB::SWIG

0.02     2011-01-31
         FIX: PCRE detection intermittently failing; made even more explicit.
         FIX: Decided not to support Win32.  Patches welcome.

0.01     2011-01-31
         First production release, think all the bugs are out (heh!)
         FIX: Fixed handling, was causing failed tests
         FIX: %INC handling more portable
         FIX: Caching wasn't working properly; fixed.
         NEW: Functional interface tests for optional exports
         FIX: Properly imported File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile)
         FIX: 5.6.x can't use scalarrefs; 1 test did that; fixed.

0.00_03  2011-01-30     (developer release)
         FIX: Get rid of Pod::Usage dep; 1.36 fmt chg caused failed tests
         FIX: Add checks for PCRE, and pass related args to SWIG's configure
         FIX: inc/MY/ wasn't die()ing on rv > 0

0.00_02  2011-01-30     (developer release)
         FIX: GCC 4.x warning about <math.h>/sqrt in t/swig/swigtest.c
         FIX: File::Path < 2.06_05 didn't have make_path().
         CHG: Make HTTP::Tiny report exceptions more verbosely.
         DOC: Various minor changes after seeing it on CPAN

0.00_01  2011-01-29     (developer release)
         Main module should be complete
         Handles downloading and installation of SWIG v1.3.28 - 2.0.1
         Prepped for releasing to CPAN for cpantesters feedback