$Id: Changes,v 2002/01/15 19:07:51 ilya Exp $
Revision history for Perl module HTTP::WebTest.
Current Version
* Moved autogenerated documentation on general module usage into
HTTP::WebTest. Moved code and API documentation from
HTTP::WebTest into HTTP::WebTest::API. Suggested by Richard
Anderson <richard@richard-anderson.org>.
* Regenerate all autogenerated documentation before creation of
distribution. Don't generate it during module build and
installation stage (i.e. perl Makefile.PL; make; make
install). Suggested by Richard Anderson
* Numerous documentation fixes.
1.99_01 Sun Jan 13 2002
* Added support for third party plugins. Added documentation on
writting plugins.
* Wtscript parser does check syntax of wtscript files.
* Bug fixes
1.99_00 Mon Jan 6 2002
* Major rewrite of module. The aim of this rewrite is plugin based
architecture which allows to extend module functionality with
1.07 Tue Nov 20 2001
* HTTP::WebTest now uses Config.pm to find correct shebang string
for script 'wt'. It should correctly set path to perl interpreter
even if perl is installed in non-standart place.
* Added test parameter mail_from which allows to set From: header
in report e-mails. Thanks Joe Germuska <Joe.Germuska@JGSullivan.com>
for the patch.
1.06 Sat Aug 11 2001
* Some files required for local web files testing mode were missing
in last HTTP-WebTest distributions.
1.05 Wed Aug 8 2001
* Installation of http-webtest directory is optional now for Unix
platforms. It is completely disabled on Win32 platform.
* Mentioned in docs that this module should work on Win32
platform. Bug reports from this platform would be appreciated.
* Do not use environment variable WEBTEST_LIB in 'wt' script. It
seems to be needed only for debuging purposes and it was a source
of many Perl warnings if it was not defined.
* Sample Apache config file bundled with this module now contains
directives to disable usage of apache access and resource config
* HTTP::WebTest now uses File::Temp module for secure creation of
temporary directories.
* Removed section 'CHANGES' from HTTP::WebTest POD docs since it
became too long. Anybody interested in changes should consult
this file.
1.04 Mon Jul 16 2001
* Added PREREQ_PM entry into Makefile.PL. Thanks Britton
<fsblk@aurora.uaf.edu> for suggesting this.
* Fixed bug: test parameters accept_cookies and send_cookies did not
affected transmission and receipt of cookies at all.
1.03 Wed Jul 4 2001
* First release by new maintainer.
* Fixed bug with passing form params with POST requests.
1.02 Tue Jun 26 2001
Anderson <Richard.Anderson@raycosoft.com> TO Ilya Martynov
TO Ilya Martynov. So long, and thanks for all the fish.
* Change succeed/fail count so that a successful fetch of a
page counts as a successful test. (An unsuccessful fetch
still counts as a failed test.)
* Removed extraneous call to extract_cookies from get_response.
1.01 Wed Jun 14 2001
* Modified cookies parameter to allow less than 10 elements.
(Thanks to Thomas Ayles <tayles@arsdigita.com> for suggesting
* Fixed bug that caused get_response() to fail to capture all
cookies returned by the webserver during redirects. Added
subclass HTTP::WebTest::Cookies (a modified HTTP::Cookies
class). (Thanks to Ilya Martynov <ilya@martynov.org> for
this fix.)
* Modified web server response time measurement to be more
* Exported run_web_test method so it can be called directly.
1.00 Wed Jun 06 2001
* Added max_rtime and min_rtime parameters to test web server
response time. The perl module Time::HiRes is now a
prerequisite to install HTTP::WebTest. (This code was
a collaborative effort by the author and Michael Blakeley
* Added pauth parameter for proxy authorization. (This code
was a collaborative effort by the author and Darren Fulton
* Changed max_bytes and min_bytes paramters from test block
parameters to global and/or test block parameters.
* Made format of output report more robust for max_bytes and
min_bytes parameters.
0.30 Mon Mar 05 2001
* Fixed ./t/*.t files so that "make test" runs correctly on
Solaris. (Replaced export WEBTEST_LIB= with WEBTEST_LIB= ;
export WEBTEST_LIB.) (Thanks to M. Simon Cavalletto
<simonm@evolution.com> for reporting this bug.)
* Improved clarity of documentation and program output.
0.20 Mon Feb 26 2001
* Fixed bug that caused module to abort when a HTTP-Redirect
(302) is sent back with a relative URL. Thanks to Andre
Machowiak <ama@ision.net> for this fix.
* Set Content-type to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
for POST. Thanks to Andre Machowiak <ama@ision.net> for
this fix.
* Modified Makefile.PL to get path of perl using the which
command and create the wt script with this path in the
she-bang line (#!). (Thanks to Britton <fsblk@aurora.uaf.edu>
for reporting this bug.)
* Modified "make test" tests to write output to files in the
t subdirectory.
0.01 Sat Dec 9 10:14:53 2000
- original version; created by h2xs 1.19
First release to CPAN by Richard Anderson