Revision history for WWW-Kickstarter
1.16.0 2025-01-05
- Corrected the version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker that's required.
1.14.0 2018-10-31
- The API started returning null for location and possibly other values.
This was causing the construction of objects to fail.
1.12.0 2017-09-25
- The values of the goal and pledged queries were changed in the
Kickstarter API. Adjusted the validation checks and documentation.
- Minor markup fixes in the documentation.
1.10.0 2017-09-20
- Documentation fixes.
- Updated list of tags.
1.8.0 2016-05-08
- Documented the ability for $ks->projects to search by search term,
which was previously left undocumented by accident.
- Switched the installer from using Module::Build to using ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
- Various minor documentation tweaks.
1.6.0 2014-11-16
- $project->category_id is deprecated. Use $project->category->id instead.
- $project->category_name is deprecated. Use $project->category->name instead.
- Fixed bug in $ks->category_projects and $ks->category_projects_recommended.
- Added $project->category.
- Added support for reward data.
- Added support for location data.
1.4.0 2014-10-07
- Always round progress down to avoid saying a project is 100% funded before it is.
- $project->goal and $project->pledged aren't in USD as documented.
Fixed the documentation and added $project->currency.
- Kickstarter's "launch_date" sort order changed. It now sorts by ascending launch date.
Use sort order "newest" to projects sorted by descending launch date.
$ks->projects_recently_launched was adjusted to return the newest first again.
1.2.0 2014-02-18
- Urls to fetch projects were being built incorrectly.
1.0.0 2014-02-15
- Initial version
Accounts for the backwards-incompatible changes to the API of December 2013.