Revision history for DateTimeX-Start
1.8.0 2025-01-05
- Corrected the version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker that's required.
1.6.0 2016-11-01
- Optimized based on the assumption that most calls will be for days
with a midnight and only one midnight.
- Now croaks rather than returning the wrong answer when a DateTime
can't be found. This will never happen if the documented assumptions
are correct.
- Minor documentation improvements.
1.4.0 2016-10-31
- Fix bug RT#118417 which could produce the wrong result when passing
a DT object to start_of_day/day.
1.2.0 2016-05-09
- Skip tests requiring newer DateTime::TimeZone than the one installed.
- Fixes for "make disttest".
- Documentation improvements.
1.0.0 2016-04-24
- Initial version.