Revision history for Net-eBay
0.01 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
0.02 A little cleanup, remove confusion about name
0.03 Documentation cleanup
0.04 Documentation cleanup
0.05 Added a constructor from a .ini file name
0.06 Cleaned docs, renamed site_level into SiteLevel everywhere
0.07 A little more cleanup, added view counter
0.08 General cleanup
0.09 Better error handling, added a 'validate' script for validating a token
0.10 Cleaned up, it now warns if validating in production environment (wrong)
0.11 Added a ebay-get-categories script
0.12 Added a ebay-get-categories script to installs list
0.13 Support for new Schema added. $eBay->setDefaults( { API => 2 } )
Added script, showing how to add items using NEW Schema.
0.14 Documentation cleanup
0.15 Added a user's ability to specify XML attributes for the New Schema