0.01_02 2014-08-04

	- check_domain now returns a third item which is the rights holder 
	  in the case of checking a SLD.
    - Removed use of Exporter.
	- Added the same SSL checking functionality as in Net::EPP::Simple.
    - Updated test suite to adhere to more restrictive conditions imposed
      by Nominet and to test new second-level registrations.
    - Test suite updated to match changes in Nominet's testbed data set.

0.01_01 2013-12-09

    - Fixed bug whereby low RAM machines might exhaust memory parsing
      Nominet's broken error message. Requires newest Net::EPP from svn.
      See https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=90776

0.01 2013-11-06

    - Minor documentation fixes from 0.00_02.

0.00_02 2013-10-30

    - Improved documentation in POD.
    - Removed old, commented-out code.

0.00_01 2013-10-29

    - Better exception handling in the tests if the client IP address is not
      registered to use the testbed.

0.00 2013-10-18

    - Initial Release