Revision history for Dancer-Plugin-Feed 

0.8 10/07/2012
    * [Tests] 01-basic: Fix wrong namespace (Closes #7) (Hobbestigrou)
    * [Configuration] Dist: Fix minimal version of Dancer. (Hobbestigrou)
0.7 17/04/2012 
    * [Core] Feed: Adapt to Dist::Zilla. (Hobbestigrou)
    * [Configuration] Dist: Use Dist::Zilla. (Hobbestigrou)
    * [Documentation] Changes: Typo. (Hobbestigrou)
    * [Documentation] Todo: Remove old useless file todo. (Hobbestigrou)
    * id is required in feed tag for Atom (Fayland Lam)
    * [Core] Feed: Use Dancer::Exception for manage error. (Hobbestigrou)
0.6 12/09/2011
    Simplifying the example code in the pod. Thanks to Naveed Massjouni.
0.5 09/09/2011
    Add support for RSS enclosure. Thanks to Tyler Durden.
0.4 12/07/2011
    Some docs, thanks to ambs.
0.3 05/05/2011
    Quick fix in a basic test.
0.2 17/04/2011
    Fix encoding in a pod, and little clean.
0.1 16/10/2010
    Initial version developed.