Revision history for YATT

0.0.5  2010-10-20

- More characters are allowed in entity like: &yatt:list(|,@,$,-,+,*,/,<,>,!);
- scalar argtype has another alias: 'flag'
- 'valueless arg => 1' is now restricted to 'flag(=scalar)' type.
- foo=[delegate] should not have argument 'foo'
- fix for misuse of Test::More::skip
- fcgi-memleak verification. In real sense, this is test of platform.

0.0.4  2010-04-08

- To skip rlimit test if BSD::Resource is missing.
- VarExporter behavior is changed.

0.0.3  2010-04-07

- Stable release. (Just before minor change)

0.0.2  2008-05-15

- Basically usable. Internal change is still in progress.

- Massive directory restructuring.

0.0.1  2007-12-15

- Initial release.