Revision history for YATT::Lite

0.101     2016-05-24
    * Just tagged 0.101 (from 0.100_003)

0.100_003 2015-11-05
    * Bug fix for [RT #108427] [GH #62] Undeclared dependency on Test::Kantan

0.100_002 2015-10-31
    * New features
        - [GH #57] `yattup` - `plackup` alike command for `*.yatt` files.
        - [GH #54] - !yatt:base "file_or_dir" to inherit templates.
    * Enhancement (Potentially breaking)
        - [GH #51] Add experimental `per_role_docroot` feature.
        - [GH #56] Install psgi_fallback by default (to make `yattup` useful).
        - Add new option `always_refresh_deps` to fix [GH #1] partially.
        - [GH #60] Set HTTP Status for "Not found" and "Bad request" errors.
          To revert old behavior, set `overwrite_status_code_for_errors_as` to 200.
        - YATT::Lite::Error now exports type alias 'Error' by default.
        - New method: `($yatt|$con)->error_with_status($code, $msg, @args)`

    * Misc changes:
        - [GH #59] yatt, yattup should resolve symlink once and only once.
        - [GH #58] c3 mro support in `use YATT::Lite::Factory -as_base`.
   * BUG fixes:
        - [GH #61] no warnings 'redundant' for sprintf. (partially)
        - [GH #55] *base* templates accidentally inherit their *user* directory bug 
        - [GH #53] - Allow setting dont_map_args in SiteApp.

0.100_001 2015-09-03
    * Enhanement (API Change) for unicode handling:
	- [GH #48] decode input params by default. Add new option `no_unicode` for backward compatibility.
	- [GH #45] YATT::Lite::Factory->render now returns decoded string by default.
    * Enhanement to help testing:
	- [GH #47] $site->mount_action($location => $action_sub)) and $dir->set_action_handler($filename => sub ($this, $con))
	- [GH #16] $site->mount_psgi($location => $psgi_app)
    * Fixes
        - [GH #50] [RT #106776] Test failure (caused by SQLite).
	- [GH #49] use safer fatalized warnings.
	- [GH #46] convert_array_param(parse_nested_query) conflicts with Plack::Request->upload.

0.100 2015-04-28
    * Docs
        - Better docs for YATT::Lite::LRXML::Syntax
    * Enhanement
        - [GH #43] - allow use of ".html" instead of ".yatt"
    * Fixes
        - Add Locale::PO to cpanfile

0.0.9_002 2015-04-09
    * fixes
        - [GH #42] [RT#103406] Test suite fails if LANG environment variable is unset (0.0.9_001)
        - [GH #41] [RT #103393] - YATT::Lite::Util::define_const
        - [GH #35] CGI->multi_param adaption
        - [GH #40] yatt.render / yatt.genperl relative path problems
        - [GH #38] - Add $CON->raw_body .. without tests(><)
        - [GH #37] - Fix test failures on LC_ALL=C
        - [GH #36] - to adapt recent mmm-mode
        - [GH #34] - Just added $this->SITE, $this->DIR. no tests.
        - [GH #32] - DirApp should inherit SiteApp
        - [GH #31] - samples/sess_backed/1 :att_value_of(radio,:name,:value,{in,:dict}) bug.
        - [GH #30] - to detect TAG mismatch for attribute element.
        - [GH #29] - to make error messages shorter for entity path syntax errors.

0.0.9 2014-05-26

 * To revert $app_root/.htdebug_env feature.
 * Not to invoke yatt-lint-any-mode unless yatt-lint-any-mode

0.0_9 2014-05-14

 * Mainly fix for perl 5.20 RC
 * Also, YATT::Lite::Types pod and tests.
 *  YATT::Lite::Types now correctly handles fields inheritance.

0.0.8 2014-05-13

 Major changes:

 * GH#20 - New type "bool" is introduced for yatt:widget arguments.
 * GH#23 - Detect cyclic inheritance error.

 Also minor fixes:

 * GH#7  - Wrong line number is reported for element-attribute errors.
 * GH#22 - CGI related tests didn't work.
 * GH#27 - RT#95388 t/lite_xhf.t fails with non-UTF-8 locale.

0.0_8 2013-08-25

 * Mainly for polishment
 * As its side effect, YATT::Lite::Factory now supports render() method;-)

0.0.7 2013-06-20

 * GH#19 PHP/RoR like hash-and-array parameters.
 * GH#2 support for .htyattconfig.yml
 * SiteApp psgi_fallback, for 404 not found handler.
 * better backtrace in ytmpl/error.ytmpl
 * escape($array_or_hash) behavior change. This is still experimental.
 * yatt:foreach nth

 * ylpodview more for alt_lang link.
 * To pass/skip safely more tests on MSWin.

0.0.6 2013-05-18

 * To make sure all tests are runnable for cpantesters (except on perl-5.17)

0.0_4 2013-05-15

 * First CPAN release

0.0.3_4 2012-05-04

 * Directory layout is totally changed.
   Previous runyatt.lib/YATT is current top directory.

 * Also, massive internal changes.
   class Web::* namespace is renamed to WebMVC0::*.
   Some options (eg. appns and baseclass) are changed.

0.0.3  2011-11-16

 * PSGI Adaption. It is usable, but I'm not enough satisfied though.
   In next release, to adapt more for psgi, massive internal change will occur.

0.0.1  2010-10-18

 * Initial release.