Revision history for YATT::Lite
0.0_8 2013-08-25
* Mainly for polishment
* As its side effect, YATT::Lite::Factory now supports render() method;-)
0.0.7 2013-06-20
* #19 PHP/RoR like hash-and-array parameters.
* #2 support for .htyattconfig.yml
* SiteApp psgi_fallback, for 404 not found handler.
* better backtrace in ytmpl/error.ytmpl
* escape($array_or_hash) behavior change. This is still experimental.
* yatt:foreach nth
* ylpodview more for alt_lang link.
* To pass/skip safely more tests on MSWin.
0.0.6 2013-05-18
* To make sure all tests are runnable for cpantesters (except on perl-5.17)
0.0_4 2013-05-15
* First CPAN release
0.0.3_4 2012-05-04
* Directory layout is totally changed.
Previous runyatt.lib/YATT is current top directory.
* Also, massive internal changes.
class Web::* namespace is renamed to WebMVC0::*.
Some options (eg. appns and baseclass) are changed.
0.0.3 2011-11-16
* PSGI Adaption. It is usable, but I'm not enough satisfied though.
In next release, to adapt more for psgi, massive internal change will occur.
0.0.1 2010-10-18
* Initial release.