Revision history for Perl extension MOP4Import::Declare

0.004    2015-12-16
    * [GH #19] - Add rlib to configure_requires.
    * [GH #18] - Fix Base::CLI->run exit code handling.

0.002    2015-11-25
    * [GH #17] Split Types and Types::Extend
        - Types are now based on Pairs protocol.
    * Fix dist_name/module_name
    * Split dist into namespace and real implementation.

0.000_002    2015-10-21
    * Mainly for CPAN, travis-ci and coveralls.
    * Changes
        - [GH #15] CLI should not eat options for subcommand
	- s/take_hash_opts_maybe/take_hash_maybe/
        - [GH #13] Fields declaration order was shuffled for subclass bug

0.000_001    2015-09-23
        - Alpha release.