Revision history for Sys::PageCache

0.07  2022-04-27
        - Adjust page numbers in test cases

0.06  2019-01-24
        - Use needed parts of POSIX [RT #128339]

0.05  2017-07-25
        - Pass tests on linux >= 4.8 [RT #122591]

0.04  2017-06-20
        - Call mmap by chunk instead of whole file size #1

0.03  2016-08-05
        - [RT #116724] Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex

0.02  2013-09-13
        - Initial release

0.01_002  2013-09-11
        - Support FreeBSD >= 8.3

0.01_001  2013-09-10
        - Initial developers release