Revision history for Mojolicious::Plugin::INIConfig::Extended
v0.02 Sat Feb 13 20:19:26 2016 -0500
* 6bfc16e (HEAD, tag: v0.02, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) expose default.config_files key as part of $cfg
v0.01 Fri Jul 3 14:07:49 2015 -0400
* e1f23c0 (tag: v0.01) update README, perldoc to correct documentation bug
* cab8815 update perldoc, README to reflect current state
* 7feb78c adds test suite from ::INIConfig::Extended
* eee3b61 add cpanfile, .gitignore local/
* 3309210 initial commit, INIConfig::Extended
* 90bbfe4 start to flesh out README
* eec5693 Initial commit