Revision history for Ovirt

0.04	1 June 2015
		- add method to stop all vm
		- add method to return all running vm
		- add method for vm IO & network statistics
		- add method to add, remove and list vm nic
		- add method to add, remove and list vm disk
		- fix perldoc 'notes' alignment on
		- fix typo on list method perldoc
		- use minimal perl v5.10
		- add network module
		- add datacenter module
		- add storage module

		- add display module
		- fix keys on reference
		- add more vm attributes to query
		- add suspend vm method

		- fix pod typo on rtrim
		- add migrate vm 
		- get host id on each running vm
		- fix array element bug when specifying id as list method argument
		- add host module

        First version. support :
        - list vm, template, cluster
        - start, stop, reboot, create, remove vm