Revision history for Perl extension Mail::Salsa.

0.10  Wed Oct 18 12:11:27 WEST 2006
	- Mail::Salsa - The version has been updated to 0.10.
	- Mail::Salsa::Utils - The subscribe action not work, because
	  the check4email function don't remove the newline from the end
	  of an string. This problem has been fixed and the version was
	  changed to 0.04.

0.09  Fri Sep 22 18:23:18 WEST 2006
	- Mail::Salsa - The version has been updated to 0.09.
	- Mail::Salsa::Action::Admin - Now, when the list is submitted
	  the system removes the duplicate e-mail addresses automatically
	  from the list. The version has been updated to 0.04.

0.08  Mon Oct 31 11:09:54 WET 2005
	- Mail::Salsa - The version has been updated to 0.08.
	- Mail::Salsa::Action::Admin - The function "check_address" not
	  return error if the mail address in the end have spaces or tab
	  characters. The version has been updated to 0.03.
	- Mail::Salsa::Action::Post - The function "sendmail4all" don't
	  send a dot "." if the dot it's located at the begin of the
	  line. This problem has been corrected. The version has been
	  updated to 0.03.
	- Mail::Salsa::Template: The function "replace" have the same 
	  problem of the module above. The version has been updated to 

0.07  Sat Oct 15 17:23:20 WEST 2005
	- Mail::Salsa - The version has been updated to 0.07.
	- Mail::Salsa::Action::Post - Now is possible allow or deny
	  mime-types like "application/vnd.pwg-xhtml-print+xml". The
	  version has been updated to 0.02.

0.06  Fri Sep 23 15:25:13 WEST 2005
	- Mail::Salsa - The version has been updated to 0.06.
	- Mail::Salsa::Action::Unsubscribe - A bug that affected
	  "remove_from_list" method were fixed. The version has been
	  updated to 0.04.

0.05  Wed Apr 20 17:04:50 WEST 2005
	- Mail::Salsa - The version has been updated to 0.05.
	- The Makefile.PL was changed again to setup the initial
	  scripts directory.
	- Mail::Salsa::Utils - The function "make_dir_rec" has been 
	  exported and the version was changed to 0.03.
	- Mail::Salsa::Action::Return - The function "look4email" has 
	  been added.
	- The file "cucaracha.conf" has been removed from bin directory.
	- A new tool to automatic generate the global configuration file
	  has been added.

0.04  Mon Apr 18 17:51:02 WEST 2005
	- Mail::Salsa - The version has been updated to 0.04.
	- The Makefile.PL was changed to install the fiesta and
	  cucaracha scripts.
	- bin/fiesta - A "Return" action has been added and the version
          was updated to 0.03.
	- bin/cucaracha - A "Return" action has been added and the
          version was updated to 0.02.
	- A new module Action "Mail::Salsa::Action::Return" were added.
	- Added Mail-Salsa-Action-Return.t test script.
	- Mail::Salsa::Action::Unsubscribe - A minor bug in
          documentation were fixed. The method "remove_from_list" has
          been rewrited and exported. The version has been updated
	  to 0.03.

0.03  Sat Apr  9 20:10:51 WEST 2005
	- Mail::Salsa - The version has been updated to 0.03.
	- bin/fiesta - The option "personalized" has been added and some 
	  code was cleaned up. The version has been updated to 0.02.
	- The directory "tools" changed the name to "bin".
	- Mail::Salsa::Action::Unsubscribe - A bug in formatation
	  of documentation was fixed and the version has been updated to
	- Mail::Salsa::Lang::EN - The documentation section has been
	  added. The version has been updated to 0.02.

0.02  Wed Apr  6 16:11:20 WEST 2005
	- Mail::Salsa - The version has been updated to 0.02.
	- Mail::Salsa::Action::Admin - A bug in patterns that check the
	  validity of the email has been fixed. The version has been
	  updated to 0.02.
	- Mail::Salsa::Action::Personalize - The function sendmail4all
	  has changed to handling the username in email addresses. The
	  version has been updated to 0.02.
	- Mail::Salsa::Utils - "email_components" function has been 
	  added and some bugs in email address patterns have been fixed. 
	  The version has been updated to 0.02.
	- Mail::Salsa::Logs - A debug method were added and the version
	  has been updated to 0.02.

0.01  Fri Apr  1 12:41:01 WEST 2005
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-X -n Mail::Salsa