Revision history for Perl extension Mail::Salsa.
0.03 Sat Apr 9 20:10:51 WEST 2005
- bin/fiesta - The option "personalized" has been added and some
code was cleaned up. The version has been updated to 0.02.
- The directory "tools" changed the name to "bin".
- Mail::Salsa::Action::Unsubscribe - A bug in formatation
of documentation was fixed and the version has been updated to
- Mail::Salsa::Lang::EN - The documentation section has been
added. The version has been updated to 0.02.
0.02 Wed Apr 6 16:11:20 WEST 2005
- Mail::Salsa - The version has been updated to 0.02.
- Mail::Salsa::Action::Admin - A bug in patterns that check the
validity of the email has been fixed. The version has been
updated to 0.02.
- Mail::Salsa::Action::Personalize - The function sendmail4all
has changed to handling the username in email addresses. The
version has been updated to 0.02.
- Mail::Salsa::Utils - "email_components" function has been
added and some bugs in email address patterns have been fixed.
The version has been updated to 0.02.
- Mail::Salsa::Logs - A debug method were added and the version
has been updated to 0.02.
0.01 Fri Apr 1 12:41:01 WEST 2005
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-X -n Mail::Salsa