Revision history for Perl extension POE::Component::Daemon.

0.1200 2010/Dec/13
    - shutdown is also a signal
    - only remove alias once
    - tweak verbose cookie crumbs
    - moved clutter into eg/

0.1100 2009/Sep/16
    - Use Port=>0 so that the OS assigns us a port number.  This way
        maybe we won't always fail on darwin.
    - use POE::Kernel->sig_child()

0.1008 2009/May/6
    - Make CPANTS happier

0.1007 2008/Nov/25
    - Added a call to poe_kernel->_data_sig_initialize to work around a bug
        in POE 1.003
    - A transition req->long or long->req no longer counted a request

0.1006 2007/Aug/01
    - Added daemon_HUP

0.1004 2007/Jun/29
    - Clean up dupped sig_TERM

0.1003 2006/Nov/15
    - Use $^X in test cases

0.1002 2006/Nov/09
    - Reconciled with SVN

0.1001 2006/Sep/14
    - Remove signal handlers so that kernel can still exit.  This is 
      required in the new, refcount on sig kernels (post 0.36)
      Thank you Andrew Hoying

0.10 2006/Feb/22
    - First public release

0.01  Wed Apr  7 15:38:51 2004
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-AX -b 5.4.5 POE::Component::Daemon