Revision history for App-CmdDispatch

0.42 2014-08-16T22:10:00-0500
  - Modify testing code to use xt-based author tests
  - Update metadata for more repo information
  - Modify MANIFEST.SKIP to improve Kwalitee
0.41 2013-07-09T21:44:00-0500
  - Correct handling of autodie exceptions 
0.4  2013-01-21T22:02:35-0600
  - CPANTESTERS passing. Upgrade version to release.
0.3_01 2013-01-19T12:35:00-0600
  - Attempt to fix reported CPANTESTERS errors with IO.
0.3  2013-01-17T22:00:00-0600
  - Added abstract for help, hint, and shell.
  - Correct abstract offset handling for 'hint commands'.
  - Update metadata to list repo.
  - Corrected usage of Term::ReadLine module.
0.2  2013-01-13T20:05:01-0600
  - Redesign help/hint text to be constructed from multiple pieces.
  - Improve documentation on main module.
0.1  2013-01-13T01:20:01-0600
  - Initial release.