Revision history for Perl extension Data::FormValidator::Profile

0.04    Wed Feb 1 12:06 PST 2012
    - new method to turn required fields into optional ones, and one to turn
      optional fields into required ones.

0.03    Mon May 10 22:30 PDT 2010
    - new "check($data)" method, short-hand for
      "Data::FormValidator->check($data, $profile->profile)"
    - added docs about call-chaining, for easier profile manipulation

0.02    Fri Apr 23 21:36 PDT 2010
    - switch to Git
    - new "set()" method, for when you want to explicitly set/override values
      in the profile
    - new "add()" method, to help add new fields to the profile
    - all methods now allow for call chaining

0.01    Fri Mar  7 15:15 PST 2008
    - initial version