Revision history for Parse-Gnaw

0.20    2008-11-16

First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

Took the package "Gnaw" and renamed it "Parse::Gnaw".
Massive rewrite to a state-machine based design.
Massive changes to reduce the amount of text used
to define grammmars. Still need to do some major 
work on text markers so they're more stable.
Currently have some problems when we try something
	get(sub{print'x'}, a('alice', 'bob'))

This is a BETA release.

0.24	2008-11-20

Recoded the markers so that they are unique elements
in the text linked list. adding a marker inserts a
new element into the linked list. This allows
different functions to keep their markers as needed.

Finally got the "get" function working for complex
grammars with many "get" calls.

Created a "c" function which is a "capture" function.
It is a simplified version of "get" in that the user
does not have to provide a variable.