Changelog for HealthCheck-Diagnostic-RemoteHealth

v0.1.1 2021-12-10T17:24:32
 - Update README (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
 - Pull request #3: SM-3392 (Matthew Ito)
 - Use http for test and use IETF test domains (Matthew Ito)

v0.1.0 2021-11-01T21:23:49
 - Update README (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
 - Pull request #2: SM-1347 (Matthew Ito)
 - Add implementation of RemoteHealth HealthCheck (Matthew Ito)
 - Add tests to RemoteHealth HealthCheck (Matthew Ito)
 - Update cpanfile file (Matthew Ito)
 - Create distribution files (Matthew Ito)
 - Initial Commit (Matthew Ito)