Changelog for Eval-Reversible
v0.900.1 2020-05-14T20:28:32
- Update README (Brendan Byrd)
- Clean up cpanfile (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Clean up POD for new PodWeaver settings (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Move xt tests to correct location (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Convert to Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::GSG (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
0.90 2018-05-04T19:14:38
- Correct the wording in failure_warning's POD (Brendan Byrd)
- Fix the POD footer, including LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT (Brendan Byrd)
- Prep for version 0.90 (Brendan Byrd)
- Use a more Moo-friendly way of adding Exporter::import (Brendan Byrd)
- Add exportable function interface: reversibly & to_undo (Brendan Byrd)
- Add a set of tests (Brendan Byrd)
- Remove MooX::HandlesVia usage on Bool, since it doesn't set anything
(Brendan Byrd)
- Initial version of Eval::Reversible (Brendan Byrd)
- Skeleton framework (Brendan Byrd)
v0.900.0 2018-05-04T19:14:38
- No changes found