2017-11-13 Guillaume Rousse <guillomovitch@zarb.org> 0.1.5
* exclude old version from itself from distribution (cpan bug #123616)
2017-11-11 Guillaume Rousse <guillomovitch@zarb.org> 0.1.4
* exclude MYMETA.* from distribution (cpan bug #123589)
2017-10-28 Guillaume Rousse <guillomovitch@zarb.org> 0.1.3
* better handling of noarch packages during packages lookup
(Pascal Terjan, Olivier Blin)
2017-10-28 Guillaume Rousse <guillomovitch@zarb.org> 0.1.2
* complete dependencies list
* make perlcritic happier
2012-02-12 Pascal Terjan <pterjan@zarb.org> 0.1.1
* Handle packages switching between arch specific and noarch
2007-03-05 Guillaume Rousse <guillomovitch@zarb.org> 0.1.0
* initial release