- oEdtk -
Release 1.5xxx
- Config.pm
Change the load lookup order for oedtk.ini file : looks prg directory, then in perl mod directory.
No change in the config file identification
- DBAdmin.pm
Use logger to track warning if set in config file oedtk.in
Add insert_tData to insert tracking data from outside
If mysql_local_infile detected, csv_import will automaticaly use to insert csv file directly
Tracking table - Change : ed_singl_id 17=>25
Tracking table - Add : ED_OBJ_TYP (V3), ED_PARENT_ID (V32), ED_CHILD_ID (V32), ED_CHILD_TYP (V3)
Lots table - Change : ED_CPDEST (V8=>V10), ED_LOTNAME (V16=>V64)
Index Table - Change : ED_CPDEST (V8=>V10), ED_LOTNAME (V16=>V64), ED_REFIDDOC (V25), ED_IDLDOC (V25)
Index Table - add ED_IDJOB into primary key
- Tracking.pm
Change WARN and DIE behaviour if requested in oedtk.ini to report events into tracking database
Add track for entity account obj_typ child_typ child_id parent_id
- Logger.pm
Organise level as follow : 8 => '8-USER-', 7 => '7-DEBUG', 6 => '6-INFO-' , 5 => '5-PARSE' , 4 => '4-WARN-' , 3 => '3-ALERT' , 2 => '2-ALERT' , 1 => '1-ALERT' , 0 => '0-CRITC' , -1 => '-1 ERROR'
Release 0.612x
contrôle d'exécution sur cgi
dictionnaire iso des codes pays
controle retour d'acquittement au façonnier pour vérification
foliotage technique dans le lotissement
Release 0.6115
SGBD connexion retry (3 times)
correcting bug in FIFO configuration
Release 0.6000
ajout ed_host dans check ini
ALTER table edtk_index modify ED_SEQLOT VARCHAR2(7); => modifier les seqlot pour rajouter l'année '391123' => '1391123'
intégrer les contraintes de lotissement (ed_cpdest => ed_constraint (ex de val : "ED_CODRUPT = 'NOUVEL_ER'" ou "ED_CPDEST like '75%' and ED_CODRUPT = 'NOUVEL_ER'" ou "ED_HOST ='SRVPROD'" ))
nettoyer Main.pm => oEUser.pm
passer CodRupt sur 8 caractères
regrouper les .tar dans le même repertoire de mep
reprise prévisu en fin de runEdtk.pl
gestion des arrondis oEdtk::Main::oe_round
Release 0.5000
LaTeX integration
Output management integration
Electronic Documents Management and Sharing integration
Release 0.400
File configuration for developpements
Developpement application launcher
Integration of DSC Compuset launcher
Beta text user interface for developpements
Records methods for production
Excel file spliting
tracking module
Release 0.30
Optimized for production version.
Release 0.21
Production test version.
Release 0.10
Functionnal version.
Release 0.01
Original beta version.
These modules are under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (see COPYING file)
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
You can use these modules as you want without any warranty.
You can contact us at edtk at free.fr
reference site is cpan.org
D Aunay, G Chaillou Domingo, M Henrion, G Ballin 2005-2013