Revision history for CLI-Driver

0.75 - fixed minor bug in lib/CLI/

0.74 - Switched to YAML::Syck for speed.

0.73 - Improved documentation.

0.72 - incorporated functionality from the example scripts into
     - added "__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable" where appropriate

0.71 - implemented new 'deprecated' method
     - deprecated 'is_deprecated' method
     - rearranged share/ and bin/
     - misc usage improvements

0.70 - Fix _get_val to not through error for missing required soft args

0.69 - added link to source code on github (thanks to Gabor Szabo)

0.68 - removed circular dependency on Util::Medley

0.67 - modified error message in CLI::Driver::Action::do()
0.66 - fixed #129062: Undeclared dependency on namespace::autoclean

0.65 - added feature to allow invocation through a hash of values rather
       than @ARGV
0.64 - changes to handle repeatable args

0.63 - converted yaml sorting to use nsort from Util::Medley

0.62 - fixed yaml sorting issue

0.61 - added utility 

0.60 - Support multi values via '@' syntax. Additional help block.

0.50 - introduced v2 of the cli-driver file

0.41 - added sharedir example

0.40 - converted from Method::Signatures to Kavorka

0.30 - added feature to detect extraneous args (and die with message)

0.20 - fixed PREREQ_PM for YAML::Tiny

0.01 - first version