Revision history for Backup-EZ

0.41    - Fixed bug in t/18-exclude.t

0.40    - Add feature to provide extra_rsync_opts via config file

0.39    - fixed File::ShareDir accidently removed from Makefile.PL

0.38    - fixed [ #127940] Undeclared dependency File::ShareDir::Install
        - fixed [ #111469] (found something I missed the first time)

0.37    - fixed [ #111469] System perl used in tests
		- cleanup to ensure blib/ isn't getting packaged with the dist

0.36	- fixed missing Makefile.PL from dist

0.35    - updated Makefile.PL deps
        - added MANIFEST.skip
        - general cleanup
0.31    - bug fix for previous release

0.30    - added feature to augment backup dir options

0.25    - added use_sudo option to conf file
        - relaxed requirement that local dir exists

0.24    - changed facility for log messages to LOG_SYSLOG from LOG_LOCAL7
        - switched debug messages from Data::Printer to Data::Dumper 

0.23    bug fixes

0.22	improved unit test coverage

0.21	disabled ssh for unit tests