Revision history for Perl extension Net::Frame::Dump.
1.15 Tue 1 May 09:16:32 CEST 2018
- BUGFIX: Dump::Online2: yes, again. Since some newer version of libpcap
and changes in pcap_dispatch(), we have to call can_read() on the
selectable file descriptor and call pcap_dispatch() only when
there is something to read. Which sounds logical, after all.
- update: copyright notice
1.14 Tue Dec 9 19:12:25 CET 2014
- BUGFIX: Dump::Online2: do not eat 100% and do not block for timeoutOnNext
seconds when it is not REALLY needed. We had to remove the
setnonblock option and to use pcap_dispatch i/o pcap_next_ex.
This should be the final bugfix...
There was also an infinite loop condition.
- new: Dump::Online2: maxRunTime() option to stop looping on next() forever
when we do not want. Default to loop forever.
1.13 Sun Dec 2 15:44:14 CET 2012
- BUGFIX: Dump::Online2: in non-blocking mode, we must handle our internal
received frame ring buffer. Many packets were missed because of
1.12 Tue Nov 13 20:15:19 CET 2012
- UPDATE: Dump::Online2: now uses IO::Select to avoid eating 100% CPU
- update: mailing list link
1.11 Sun Nov 11 15:23:04 CET 2012
- bugfix: Dump::Online2 pod
- new: Dump::Online2: support for capture only mode
- new: examples for Dump::Online2
1.10 Wed Sep 12 20:15:09 CEST 2012
- bugfix: Online: use SUPER::next() instead of next()
- update: error messages scheme changed
- update: copyright notice
1.09 Mon Mar 28 19:33:24 CEST 2011
- new: added support for ERF data link type
- new: added support to append data to a pcap file in Writer mode
- bugfix: allows to sniff on an interface without IP address
1.08 Sun Feb 20 17:51:58 CET 2011
- new: Net::Frame::Dump::Online2: non-blocking live capture
=> If I had seen that sooner ...
1.07 Thu Jan 13 11:17:12 CET 2011
- bugfix: stop() returns if in isSon()
- bugfix: stop() when _clean()
- update: _killTcpdump(), only KILL now
- update: you can send a SIGHUP to print pcap stats
- update: SIGINT & SIGTERM call _clean in parent process
- update: printStats() only print stats
- update: copyright notice
1.06 Wed Jun 17 00:11:39 CEST 2009
- bugfix: isSon() and isFather() from Net::Frame::Dump::Online
now truly return isSon() and isFather() ^^
1.05 Sun May 31 16:43:22 CEST 2009
- new: NF_DUMP_LAYER_80211 link layer support
- new: NF_DUMP_LAYER_80211_RADIOTAP link layer support
- update: replaced croak()/carp() messages with warn()
- update: copyright notice
1.04 Sun Apr 20 12:20:04 CEST 2008
- bugfix: do not return() when no IPv4 address is assigned in live capture
- update: mailing list URL, see README
1.03 Sat Apr 19 18:51:49 CEST 2008
- new: added snaplen attribute in Net::Frame::Dump::Online
- bugfix: license string (should be artistic, not Artistic)
1.01 Sat Feb 16 18:02:37 CET 2008
- bugfix: no pcap_lookupnet() in setFilter()
- added NF_DUMP_LAYER_80211RADIO link layer support
1.00 Sun Dec 17 17:53:51 CET 2006
- first public release