Revision history for Perl extension Pod::HtmlEasy.
0.091 2007-04-03
- Updated dependencies in Makefile.PL. No change to package version.
0.09 2007-04-01
- Subject code to perltidy and perlcritic.
- Refactor to deal with perlcritic criticism.
- Re-write link processing for efficiency
- Remove code that caused L<...> and E<...> to be interpolated
in verbatim paragraphs.
- Add head1 processing to extract title
- Add preprocessing to extract VERSION and PACKAGE
0.08_03 2006-11-13
- Make value of $VERSION a floating-point number
0.08_02 2006-11-12
- Fix [21646]
0.08_01 2006-09-25
- Changes made by GLEACH
- Minor cleanup in
- Replaced test/1.simple.html; S<> formatting was incorrect.
- Updated test/2.graphic.pod; source of test file, made it a jpg
- Added test/graphic-file.jpg
- Added test/3.bugs.pod
- added shebang and fixed warnings. [6062]
- fixed warnings [6062]
- HtmlEasy/ fixed warnings [6062]
- Added support for X<...> [20078]
- Added support for =head4, =begin, =end
0.07 2004-10-10
- Fixed a minor bug when the input is '' and isn't file,
that make Pod::Parser to read from STDIN.
- Added option for basic_entities and common_entities at pod2html().
0.06 2004-05-09
- Fixed minor bug for argument _on_item that should be on_item. [6223]
0.05 2004-05-09
- Added support to =for [6064]
- Added support to =item * [6065]
0.04 2004-02-05
- Fixed some simple bugs.
- Added item on index.
0.03 2004-01-15
- Added EXE_FILES key to MakeFile.PL (forgot to put in 0.02 version).
0.02 2004-01-13
- Added script
- item titles, by default, are bold now.
- Added support for E<>, F<> [6065]
- Added option to extend the commands (=word) and formatters (X<>).
0.01 2004-01-11 19:07:08
- original version;