Revision history for Perl extension Getopt::Auto.

1.0   Fri Jan  3 12:33:09 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-XA -n Getopt::Auto

1.9.0 Thu Dec  3 16:42:08 PST 2009
    Completed according to original intent of incomplete
    version 1.0. Version is '1.9.0' in anticipation of going to
    2.0 when bugs are worked out.

1.9.1 Sun Jan 10 15:49:08 PST 2010
    Builtin help does not exit 0. Change 'exists' to 'defined' in test

1.9.1 Mon Jan 18 08:28:57 PST 2010
    Windows failure in test t/02-internals_magic.t
    Construct the path using catfile() to avoid the problem of '/' vs '\'

1.9.1 Mon Jan 18 08:31:32 PST 2010
    Failures of Spec build on 5.6.x and 5.8.1 Perls
    Mis-application of each() (ee `perldoc -f each`). Result is random.
    Patch courtesy of Bruce Gray <>.