Revision history for Perl extension Getopt::Auto.

1.0   Fri Jan  3 12:33:09 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-XA -n Getopt::Auto

1.9.0 Thu Dec  3 16:42:08 PST 2009
    Completed according to original intent of incomplete
    version 1.0. Version is '1.9.0' in anticipation of going to
    2.0 when bugs are worked out.

1.9.1 Sun Jan 10 15:49:08 PST 2010
    Builtin help does not exit 0. Change 'exists' to 'defined' in test

1.9.1 Mon Jan 18 08:28:57 PST 2010
    Windows failure in test t/02-internals_magic.t
    Construct the path using catfile() to avoid the problem of '/' vs '\'

1.9.1 Mon Jan 18 08:31:32 PST 2010
    Failures of Spec build on 5.6.x and 5.8.1 Perls
    Mis-application of each() (see `perldoc -f each`). Result is random.
    Patch courtesy of Bruce Gray <>.

1.9.2 Thu Jul  1 16:06:58 PDT 2010
    Remove _ from _test_option so that perlcritic does not complain.
    It is, after all, intended for external use.
    Fix bug where command line with _no_ options, but args caused
    objection. In process made the default option type BARE.

1.9.3 Tue Oct  5 11:27:02 PDT 2010
    Add automatic help for unregistered options, so that you can
    avoid having to run the program a second time with --help (or
    is that -h? Oh, bother!)

1.9.4 Wed Dec 22 15:25:28 PST 2010
    Added comments.
    Tue Jul 26 20:13:22 PDT 2011
    Repair for 69822 (=begin/=end stopwords need blank lines)

1.9.5 Tue Jul 26 20:55:31 PDT 2011
    Fixed un-commented DB::
    Added example for usage()

1.9.6 Thu Jul 28 14:49:26 PDT 2011
    Changed directory name (_ > -) to avoid confusion with 
    Simon's original 1.0
    Fri Jul 29 15:07:26 PDT 2011
    Respond to Windoze failure. 
        Failed test 'Check version'at t/02-internals_magic.t line 88
        STDERR is:
        This is t/02-internals_magic.t version 1.9.4
        This is t\02-internals_magic.t version 1.9.4
    The problem is that Windows apparently takes either '/' or '\'
    in paths, and what was actually used shows up in caller[1].
    The problem of the ambiguity is resolved by stripping out
    the directory path when making comparisions. The path is
    irrelevant in any case. Thanks to Perl Monks ikegami and
    Corion who commented on node_id=917637.