Revision history for Metabolomics-Fragment-Annotation
0.4.0 2020-02-19
- Fixing abinitiofragments module issues
- Add Dimers molecule generation
- Fragment and adduct isotopes are also generated
- add more unit tests
0.3.1 2020-01-23
- Fixing minor devops issues
0.3.0 2020-01-22
- Fixing MaConDa module issues
- Update references with BloodExposome database 1.0
0.2.0 2020-01-08
- Splitting 0.1 version in classes/methods for utils and ab initio fragment build process
- Adding news resources as BloodExposome and MaConDa
- Updating metabolomics::references
0.1.0 2019-06-13
- First version of the package, allowing contaminants annotation, adducts/isotopes fragments annotation